
Live Action "HTTYD": Should I Go See It

  I am asking for advice here: Should I go see the live action How to Train Your Dragon ? The reason I'm asking is because at first, I was like, "sure, I'll give it a chance, why not? DreamWorks isn't Disney, after all." Then I saw the full official trailer for the film, and it reaffirmed my decision to give the live action version a chance. After all, the trailer looked pretty darn good in my opinion. The more promotional videos I saw of the film, the more excited I became to see it. After all, like I said, DreamWorks is NOT Disney, and also, Dean DuBlois (sorry if I spelled the name wrong), who directed the original animated version, is also directing the live-action remake, so that also made me feel better about it.  Then I recently watched a Cinema Therapy video on YouTube, where they talked about the Disney movie Atlantis . I know what you're thinking: What does that have to do with How to Train Your Dragon ? Well, one of the guys from Cinema Therapy, Ala...

Live Action How to Train Your Dragon

  I don't know about the rest of you, but after seeing a "Behind the scenes" first look at the live action How to Train Your Dragon , I am actually looking forward to seeing it in theaters. I know pretty much everyone thinks that live action remakes are just a cheap cash-grab. After all, Disney did it first when no one asked for them (or wanted them, for that matter). But here's the thing: DreamWorks is NOT Disney. Unpopular opinion: DreamWorks, I dare say, is better than least when it comes to sequels. Therefore, I'm excitedly curious and hopeful to see if they do just as good with a live-action remake as they do with their sequels. Plus, the original director of the animated How to Train Your Dragon  film is also directing the live-action version. So that's also cause for hopefulness and optimism. Plus, anyone who knows me pretty much knows that I'm all "Shut up and take my money" when it comes to the HTTYD franchise!


  "Darkness Falls!" Blackout hails from the Realm of Dreams, where the collective imagination of all the creatures in the universe come together to create beautiful wonders...and terrible nightmares. At a young age, he was recruited to the Dark Stygian - a dragon clan whose chief responsibility was to create nightmares for evil creatures as a way to discourage them from doing more villainy. But the clan began to abuse their power, and soon spread nightmares far and wide for its own amusement. But Blackout would not stand for it. So he learned to teleport directly into the nightmares the clan created and fought the creatures within. Eventually, the nightmares reached as far as Master Eon, who witnessed Blackout's courage within his own dreams. After helping him put a stop to the Dark Stygian, Eon then made Blackout a Skylander, serving as the protector of the Realm of Dreams and beyond!

The Best Air Dragon Skylander: Blades

  There were two dragon-like Skylanders belonging to the Air Element I could choose from: Blades or Whilrwind. While I do really like Whirlwind a lot, I went with Blades as my favorite dragon from the Air Element for a couple of reasons. And before the feminists on the Internet slam me for not choosing a female Air dragon Skylander, I did not choose Blades simply because he's a male. I chose Blades as my favorite because, first of all, he has the best powers/abilities that can get me further in the game while taking the least amount of damage. While Whirlwind has some pretty bad-ass powers herself, they're not the best when it comes to keeping enemies at bay in battle. I love Whirlwind, I think she's awesome, but Whirlwind tends to take more damage from enemies while fighting. I just think Blades is a tad bit better in battle than Whirlwind is. Also, Blades is purely dragon, while Whirlwind is half-dragon and half-unicorn. So in terms of being more dragon-like, the win goes...

The Theme of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

  I've been meaning to talk about this topic for quite some time. What topic, you ask? The theme of the third and final installment in the How To Train Your Dragon  film trilogy ( How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World ): Love. I know, kind of an ambiguous theme, right? What kind of love are we talking about exactly? Familial? Friendship? Or romantic? To put it frankly, it's actually all of these forms of love. Not just friendship, not just familial, and not just romantic love...but all three.  The truth is, if you've actually seen The Hidden World  --and watched it more than once--you'll notice that this theme of love is actually brought up a   lot . Not just figuratively, either. The word "love" is mentioned many times throughout the movie, yet the film still makes the theme just inconspicuous enough so that you're still required to do some thinking. I mean, if this wasn't the case, do you think I could dedicate an entire blog post to explaining...

Thunder: The New Night Light

  Okay, so get this: There is a new DreamWorks: Dragons series coming to Hulu and Peacock on December 23, called DreamWorks Dragons: The Nine Realms . This show takes place 1300 years after the events of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World , so essentially, it brings dragons back into the light, in a more modern era. The two heroes (or main characters) of this series are Tom, a teenage boy who might just be a modern-era descendant of Hiccup; and Thunder, a Night Light (a Fury dragon descended from the offspring of the Night Fury, Toothless and his mate, the Light Fury). Of course, being set 1300 years after the events of The Hidden World , the Night Lights of this more modern era would look just a bit different from the Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner (the offspring of Toothless and the Light Fury), although you can clearly see that, despite a couple anatomical differences, Thunder is still obviously a Night Light dragon and, therefore, still shares many similarities with not ...

Night Lights

  The Night Lights are the hybrid offspring of Toothless (a Night Fury) and his mate, the Light Fury, which appear at the end of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World  and again in the holiday short film, How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming . There are three Night Lights: two males and one female. Oddly enough, their names were not revealed in the films, but in the online computer game, School of Dragons . Their names are Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner. Their species name--Night Lights--is a combination of the names of the parent species: the Night Fury and the Light Fury. Anyway, without further ado, here's a picture of the Night Lights. Aren't they adorable? Dart:  Black Night Light w/blue eyes (Female) Pouncer :  White Night Light w/green eyes (Male) Ruffrunner:  Black Night Light w/green eyes (Male)