Night Lights

 The Night Lights are the hybrid offspring of Toothless (a Night Fury) and his mate, the Light Fury, which appear at the end of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World and again in the holiday short film, How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming. There are three Night Lights: two males and one female. Oddly enough, their names were not revealed in the films, but in the online computer game, School of Dragons. Their names are Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner. Their species name--Night Lights--is a combination of the names of the parent species: the Night Fury and the Light Fury. Anyway, without further ado, here's a picture of the Night Lights. Aren't they adorable?

Dart: Black Night Light w/blue eyes (Female)

Pouncer: White Night Light w/green eyes (Male)

Ruffrunner: Black Night Light w/green eyes (Male)


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