Live Action "HTTYD": Should I Go See It


I am asking for advice here: Should I go see the live action How to Train Your Dragon? The reason I'm asking is because at first, I was like, "sure, I'll give it a chance, why not? DreamWorks isn't Disney, after all." Then I saw the full official trailer for the film, and it reaffirmed my decision to give the live action version a chance. After all, the trailer looked pretty darn good in my opinion. The more promotional videos I saw of the film, the more excited I became to see it. After all, like I said, DreamWorks is NOT Disney, and also, Dean DuBlois (sorry if I spelled the name wrong), who directed the original animated version, is also directing the live-action remake, so that also made me feel better about it. 

Then I recently watched a Cinema Therapy video on YouTube, where they talked about the Disney movie Atlantis. I know what you're thinking: What does that have to do with How to Train Your Dragon? Well, one of the guys from Cinema Therapy, Alan Seawright, questioned why they were doing a live-action remake of a movie like How to Train Your Dragon, that was already perfect as is, when they could improve and remake an underrated movie like Atlantis, which didn't do well at the box office, but over time, became what's called a "cult classic?

Like I said, I was originally on board with giving the live-action How to Train Your Dragon a fair shot. I told myself, "Hey, it's not like it's Disney, where they're only doing it for a lame cash-grab, because the director said he's doing it because he wants to dive back into the world of HTTYD, because it's a world he frankly misses." However, the comment that Alan Seawright made got me thinking, "If DreamWorks isn't really in it for the money, then why are they doing a live-action remake of a movie that was already financially successful the first go-round?" and then my mind could only come to one conclusion: The reason they remake financially successful movies that were already perfect the first time, is because they were already successful the first time! That's why they do it: they made a good profit the first go-round, so Hollywood knows they'll make good money again. And then I thought, that's also why they don't remake the box-office flops that become "cult classics" over time, because they didn't make a profit the first time, so why risk remaking them and risking them failing at the box office a second time? 

Anyway, I was so excited about going to see the live-action remake of How to Train Your Dragon in theaters. I guess it was mainly because I didn't get to see the original animated version in theaters. And before your jaws all drop to the floor, it was because I didn't learn about the original movie until after it was already out on home media. Funny how that worked out, right? I only heard about the film after it was on DVD, and when I finally did buy it and watch it, I was instantly film-smitten. Fast forward a few years when the movie becomes a franchise, and I become its number-one super fan! 

Anyway, what do you think? Should I still give the live-action remake a chance? Or should I let the masses' opinions (and my epiphany about live-action remakes in general) destroy my excitement and optimism about the remake of the film that started my all-time favorite movie franchise? 


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