Live Action "HTTYD": Should I Go See It
I am asking for advice here: Should I go see the live action How to Train Your Dragon ? The reason I'm asking is because at first, I was like, "sure, I'll give it a chance, why not? DreamWorks isn't Disney, after all." Then I saw the full official trailer for the film, and it reaffirmed my decision to give the live action version a chance. After all, the trailer looked pretty darn good in my opinion. The more promotional videos I saw of the film, the more excited I became to see it. After all, like I said, DreamWorks is NOT Disney, and also, Dean DuBlois (sorry if I spelled the name wrong), who directed the original animated version, is also directing the live-action remake, so that also made me feel better about it. Then I recently watched a Cinema Therapy video on YouTube, where they talked about the Disney movie Atlantis . I know what you're thinking: What does that have to do with How to Train Your Dragon ? Well, one of the guys from Cinema Therapy, Ala...