Smothering Smokebreath

Species: Smothering Smokebreath

Class: Mystery

Fire Type: Smoke and extremely hot air

Abilities: Creating a veil of smoke; Creating nests from metal

Smothering Smokebreaths are elusive creatures that prefer to stay hidden.

While not inherently aggressive, Smokebreaths will attack Vikings that intrude on their territory. Rather than breathe fire, these dragons instead exhale plumes of thick black smoke. Being communal creatures, these individual smoke clouds often combine into what appears to be a large fog bank. Many a Viking ship has been scuttled due to these dragon-made fog banks, which suits the Smokebreaths just fine, as they scavenge the wreckage for bits of metal to use in building their nests.

The Smothering Smokebreaths' greatest hidden ability is actually their supernatural reputation. Entire Viking villages have cleared out at the sight of their unique black smoke, misattributing the haze to ghosts or fjord phantoms. With the village streets and homes empty, the Smothering Smokebreaths then have free reign to pillage for every bit of metal they can find.


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