
Species: Singetail

Class: Stoker

Fire Type: Scarlet flames

Abilities: Articulated eyes; Emitting fire from different body parts

Fiercely territorial, Singetails don't just breathe fire--they send it blasting out of their jaws, gills, and tails.

First discovered by Spitelout when he colonized Storehouse Island, the elusive Singetails prefer to scare away their enemies with long-range attacks, like hurling fireballs from their tails. However, Singetails also pose a danger in close-quarters combat by shunting jets of flame from their gills lining their exposed underbellies.

No dragon or rider can ever get the drop on a Singetail due to its articulated eyes--they swivel to the sides and back of its head and give the Singetail a 360-degree lay of the land. Since it can look in two different directions at once, the Singetail can act as its own tailgunner.


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