
Species: Sentinel

Class: Boulder

Fire Type: Funeral pyre fire; Sonic screech

Abilities: Wing blasts; Remaining motionless for days at a time; Extremely developed senses (except for sight); Hibernation

Although sightless, the Sentinels still keep close watch over the dragon graveyard on the Isle of Vanaheim.

Often mistaken for stone statues, the Sentinels remain absolutely still when they allow ailing dragons to enter Vanaheim. But at first hint of an intruder, these sentries defend the sacred burial ground with sonic screeches and downdraft wingblasts. Born blind, Sentinels have evolved their senses of hearing and smell to hyper-keen levels, making them incredibly alert. Yet, despite their fearsome appearance, Sentinels show a softer side by caring for the old and ill dragons who have come to spend their final days on Vanaheim. 

If you're unsure on how to handle an unfamiliar type of dragon, just follow a Sentinel's lead. These observant dragons have kept vigil over every class and every breed to pass into their cemetery, making them the dragon experts of the dragon world.


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