
Species: Seashocker

Class: Tidal

Personality: Masters of the sneak attack

Supremely furtive, Seashockers share attributes with many of the ocean's most extraordinary creatures: the morphology of a manta ray, the sonar of a dolphin, and the bioluminescence of a deep dweller.

Similar to Hideous Zipplebacks, Seashockers also possess two heads. But unlike their airborne cousins, Seashockers only have one thing on their twin brains: predation. If you ever see their dark fins amongst the waves, it's already too late for you--the rest of their pod has already moved in to attack!

Being water-based dragons, Seashockers do not breathe fire. Instead, their bites paralyze victims with an electrical charge that stuns even the biggest prey into submission. Perhaps this is the reason why all dragons fear the Seashocker's closest evolutionary relative--the electric eel!


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