Screaming Death

Subspecies: Screaming Death

Parent Species: Whispering Death

Class: Boulder

Fire Type: Gatling concentrated rings of fireballs

Born every one hundred or so years, the Screaming Death has all the strengths of its subordinate cousin, the Whispering Death, with none of its weaknesses.

It is the most powerful dragon Berk has faced since the Red Death. Unlike the Whispering Death, this dragon has no aversion to sunlight. In fact, young Screaming Deaths are drawn to bright light. Attraction to light wears off as the dragon gets older. It shoots large spines from its tail and can breath massive amounts of fire in a single blast, but the Screaming Death's real strength is its insatiable appetite. Like the Whispering Death, the Screaming Death likes to tunnel, consuming sea stacks and decimating entire islands. An adolescent Screaming Death nearly destroyed the town of Berk, and when it grew into adulthood, it nearly ate all of Dragon Island (along with five other islands before that). You can't really defeat the Screaming Death. It's too fast, too angry, too powerful. The best you can hope to do is find a way to lure it somewhere else. Screaming Deaths always eventually return to their place of birth to nest.

Despite distances that may separate them, Screaming Deaths remain acutely aware of the well-being of their Whispering Death mothers. So, if you want to stay on a Screaming Death's good side, don't insult its mother!


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