Catastrophic Quaken

Species: Catastrophic Quaken

Class: Boulder

Fire Type: Magma slobber from trifurcated jaws

Abilities: Curling into a ball; Creating shockwaves

The Catastrophic Quaken can smash into the ground and create huge shockwaves that can knock dragons out of the air.

As a Boulder Class dragon, the Catastrophic Quaken is literally what it eats--as it enjoys the consumption of rocks. This dietary preference is the cause for its tendency to reside in rocky terrain, where it can roam afoot and pick up sustenance as it travels. Strong and hulking, this dragon relies on its size as the ultimate defense mechanism. When threatened, its immediate reaction is to enter protective mode and roll into a ball like a giant armadillo. Once secured into this position, it quickly takes the offense, smashing into the ground to create huge shockwaves that will knock dragons down, whether they are on land or airborne. A lack of human interaction has made these dragons cautionary over time, but since Hiccup and the Dragon Riders have introduced them to humans, they are slowly becoming less stony and more caring.


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