
Species: Buffalord

Class: Mystery

Fire Type: Exploding, uncontrollable flames

Abilities: Inflating its body to an immense size; Shooting spines from any part of its body; Extremely potent saliva

Although it's been hunted to near extinction, the benevolent Buffalord holds the only cure to the lethal disease known as the Scourge of Odin.

Once roaming across the archipelago in large herds, the Buffalord now lives a solitary existence grazing in peace and secreting a green drool with amazing curative properties. As such, this exceedingly rare dragon would fetch a hefty price at any auction. Fortunately, the Buffalord has no interest in leaving its grassy plains and will keep any hunter at bay with its abilities: firing the many spikes studding its hide and doubling its size by inflating!


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